2024 Legislative Short Session
Celebrating Oregon AFSCME’s Legislative Wins!
As the 2024 Short Legislative Session comes to an end, we are thrilled to announce that thanks to your incredible advocacy efforts and dedication to making Oregon a better place to live and work, we successfully passed everything on our legislative agenda this year!
We had an ambitious agenda for the short session this year, but we stood together and made our voices heard — together, we were able to help thousands of workers across the state get better wages and benefits, safer working conditi, and access to important services like medical interpreting and childcare!
Lobby Day 2024
We hosted one of the largest Lobby Day events that Oregon AFSCME has seen in years — over 100 members came to have conversations with state lawmakers about the need for safer workplaces and communities! We are so proud to stand with you and fight to make Oregon a better place to live and work!